The Council of Europe asks Romania not to change the penal codes without the opinion of the Venice Commission


  Thorbjorn Jaglan
<! – Thorbjorn Jaglan ->

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjorn Jagland, requests that the Venice Commission be consulted before the amendment of the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe Europe, Thorbjorn Jagland "To all parties concerned to await the opinion of the Venice Commission and to take it into account before any further action to amend the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure

The Venice Commission will make public the opinion on the amendment of the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure of 19 October declared the Council of Europe [19659006] We write the full communiqué of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe:

"I call the parties to wait for their opinion Venice Commission and consider it before take steps to amend the Penal Code and the Code of Procedure re

These reforms may violate Romania's international obligations, in particular those imposed by the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, identified in GRECO's recent report. As a member of our organization, Romania has a duty to defend the rule of law.

The Council of Europe will continue to monitor developments in Romania closely and we are ready to provide much needed expertise. "

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  Thorbjorn Jaglan
<! – Thorbjorn Jaglan ->

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