The Crimes Caused by WhatsApp Are the Tragic Consequence of False News


In Western countries, fake news spreads mainly on Facebook. Indians receive false news from WhatsApp, and the consequences are tragic

In India, it is not only a question of influencing the election results with a set of false information online. According to the latest statistics, no less than 12 people have died in the past two months due to unfounded rumors propagated by the popular WhatsApp application

For things to be even more macabre, it should be noted that the most make fun of the executions as publicly as possible. Few people are arrested after such events because they happen in villages.

The case of five people who were killed because of rumors about their involvement in child trafficking activities was recently Washington Post. Local police believe that people were tied up when a group of villagers saw a person talking to a child. No More Evidence

The fake news seems to have such serious consequences in India because many of those who read it are in the first interaction with a smartphone and have discovered the Internet for two to three years

They have not yet formed a filter on what true and false information spreads online equally. Local authorities have tried to tackle the phenomenon by alerting people about Internet practices, but the mechanism is not very effective.

At a conference a week ago, an employee of the authorities was killed by a crowd a public market while trying to explain the difference between sources of information.

The gravity of the phenomenon in India was also detailed in a report by the Times of India. The sad part is that no solution is seen

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