The Croats sent him home after the controversial pro-Ukrainian video! "I'm sorry for what happened"


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 The Croats sent him home after the controversial pro-Ukrainian video!

The Croatian Football Federation has decided to send Scuder Ognjen Vukojevici, co-sponsored by Zlatko Dalic to the World Cup staff, according to the site of 24 sites. The decision of the forum comes after the video on the Internet after the match with Russia, where Vukojevici and defender Domogoj Vida chanted slogans for the pro-Ukraine. The defender was the subject of a FIFA investigation, which decided to give him only one warning and not to suspend him for the semifinal with England [[] 19659003] "I respect the decision of the federation." , Dinamo Kiev, because it has allowed me to be present in the world, I'm sorry for what happened and I apologize to the Russians " said Ognjen Vukojevici, after learning the decision of the federation

Beşitkaş appeared in a short video after the victory with Rusoa, shot down alongside his former colleague Vukojevic, in which both shouted "Glory of Ukraine! This sentence is delicate in the context of relations between Russia and Ukraine, but it is even more difficult to digest for the host country of the world, which has become a slogan of the Ukrainian anti-Russian nationalists during and after the events of 2014.

a week remaining until the end of the World Cup in Russia, the 21st edition of the intercontinental tournament.France and Belgium will win in the first semifinal, and the 39, England and Croatia will face second place Final round in Moscow.

The schedule of the semifinals:

  • July 10, 19:45 9:00 pm – France – Belgium (Saint Petersburg) – TVR 1, TVR HD [19659008] July 11, time 9:00 pm – England – Croatia (Moscow) from 5:00 pm The grand finale is scheduled for the 15th day at 6:00 pm at the Lujniki stadium in Moscow

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