The danger of high calcium in the blood


Have you analyzed and found elevated serum calcium

This can lead to the formation of kidney stones, that is, kidney stones. At the same time, the tension increases but decreases the heart rate.

In this case, also check your parathyroid glands. If it does not work properly, remove the calcium from the bones and place it in dangerous places.

We are born with eight grams of calcium per kilogram of body and we reach adolescence with no less than 19. This element enters the bone, muscle structure, contributes to blood clotting and to the normal fusion of enzymes in the body

We live at the enzymatic level, therefore we are talking about a vital substance. At low ages, lower than normal levels are diagnosed.

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The pediatrician can correct them. But let's look at a problem of childhood – sugar. We are talking about a substance that removes calcium from the human body.

Prof. dr chem. Ion Ion, Faculty of Applied Chemistry: "And the human orgasm is trying to metabolize sucrose, to break it."

People with calcium problems will consume your own calcium if you consume too much sugar. "

But too little calcium in the blood rarely means a disease

Too much calcium in the blood is a warning sign. First, a high calcium value requires a new analysis If, on several occasions, high values ​​appear, the attention of the doctor is directed to the para-thyroid glands. Antonela Burlacu, primary endocrinologist: "The parathyroid glands are 4, located behind the thyroid and play a fundamental role in the regulation of calcium metabolism. "When this gland increases, ionic calcium increases." [19659904] At the same time, increases urinary calcium. And so there are kidney stones, that is, kidney stones.

Antonela Burlacu, primary endocrinologist: "When too much secretion begins to decrease calcium in the bones, it stimulates secretion in the kidneys, stimulates vitamin D which absorbs more calcium in the body. ;intestine."

The effects are in the chain. It increases blood pressure, but it lowers the heart rate. Constipation occurs and forms calcium deposits in various tissues of the body

After the diagnosis of parathyroid gland disease, the traumatic plan begins to follow. Every year, do not miss your usual blood tests regardless of your age. I give you essential facts about how you work

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