The diet and lifestyle can seriously affect your liver. What can you do to prevent or treat the most common liver conditions? health


One of the most important functions of this organ is promised by countless diets and dietary supplements, but our liver does it every day. It's the detoxification by which harmful substances in our body are eliminated. But because of these two functions, the liver is subject to certain conditions that can significantly affect the quality of life. Fortunately, all of these diseases can easily be prevented through diet and lifestyle. Here are the most common liver conditions and preventative methods that you can include:

Nonsalcoholic fatty liver disease

This condition, also known as fatty liver, is characterized by an accumulation of fat in the liver. Even though the exact cause of steatosis has not been identified, several factors significantly increase the risk of occurrence. These are: obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertriglyceridemia, heart and metabolic diseases, certain medications and conditions. The symptoms of nonalcoholic fatty liver include: hepatomegaly, fatigue and upper right abdominal pain

There is currently no treatment to cure non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Only measures related to the style of life. Once the disease is established, it can be fought with a diet rich in protein and vitamins and physical activity. In addition, overweight people with this condition must get rid of the extra pounds.

Hepatic Cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is a disease of the liver that causes functional depletion by irreversible loss of hepatic cells. The most common causes of cirrhosis of the liver are: excessive consumption of alcohol, hepatitis B or C and fat deposits in the liver. Symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver include fatigue, bruising, skin irritation, jaundice, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, loss of appetite, nausea, l / 39. swelling of the legs and weight loss

. If changes in diet and lifestyle are recommended in the early stages, a liver transplant will be needed at advanced stages. According to Web MD hepatic cirrhosis can be easily prevented by several changes, such as a moderate consumption of alcohol, the adoption of protective measures against hepatitis B and C, avoidance of high fat foods and daily consumption of coffee.


Hepatitis is a disease that causes inflammation of the liver. It is often caused by a viral infection or excessive consumption of alcohol. Depending on the type of hepatitis, it can be completely cured or it can be chronic, resulting in structural and functional deterioration. Short-term hepatitis may be asymptomatic, but symptoms may also appear, such as muscle and joint pain, temperature above 38 degrees Celsius, permanent fatigue, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dark urine, excrement gray, itchy skin and jaundice.

According to Health line the treatment of hepatitis depends on its type and its acute or chronic character. Hepatitis A and acute hepatitis B do not require treatment, but for chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C, the treatment consists of antiviral drugs. There is currently no treatment for hepatitis D and E. The prevention of hepatitis can be achieved through strict hygiene rules and appropriate vaccines.

To protect against hepatitis A and B, vaccination is recommended. To avoid hepatitis A and E while traveling to developing countries, it is advisable to avoid local water, ice, crustaceans and raw fruits and vegetables. In order to avoid contamination by hepatitis B, C and D, it is advisable to avoid cutting razor blades, toothbrushes and syringes, touching the blood of someone else. any other or unprotected sex.

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