The diet and lifestyle can seriously affect your liver. What you can do to prevent or treat the most common liver conditions


One of the most important functions of this organ is promised by countless diets and dietary supplements, but our liver does it every day. It's the detoxification by which harmful substances in our body are eliminated. But because of these two functions, the liver is subject to certain conditions that can significantly affect the quality of life. Fortunately, all of these diseases can easily be prevented through diet and lifestyle. Here are the most common liver conditions and preventative methods that you can include:

Nonsalcoholic fatty liver disease

This condition, also known as fatty liver, is characterized by an accumulation of fat in the liver. Even though the exact cause of steatosis has not been identified, several factors significantly increase the risk of occurrence. These are: obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertriglyceridemia, heart and metabolic diseases, certain medications and conditions. The symptoms of non-alcoholic fatty liver include: hepatomegaly, fatigue and upper right abdominal pain

There is currently no treatment to treat non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, only measures life. Once the disease is established, it can be fought with a diet rich in protein and vitamins and physical activity.

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