The dog that saved a wounded cyclist on the mountain was adopted by CJ Caraş Severin Vice President


The dog who helped a wounded cyclist on Mount Semenic four days ago

Volunteers from an animal welfare association found him on the mountain and gave him the care from a master who baptized him Max

The biker is happy that his savior has a home and receives love and food, he is moving nowhere. He says that a special relationship was created between them, because Max did not leave him hard.

Four days ago, Max was no one. Marin, who went on a mountain bike ride, woke up with him

"When I got off the bike, he came after me." I shouted slowly, "Come on, come on, come on, I put the name and so I climbed to Semenic," said Marin Ion, the injured cyclist.

After 30 kilometers, the 40-year-old man made a hole and toppled his bike. to move, but the dog immediately jumped to his aid and stood next to him in the woods, although it was dark

"He got up, he s & rsquo; Was up, saw that we were not leaving, he came near me, and the ambulance came in. They went in for help, saw him, he was near the rescue, the stretcher, at my feet, the gendarmes took it, and the gendarmes said that after leaving the ambulance he has, "says the man

In the pictures taken by the gendarmes, we notice how Max stands beside the doctors while taking care of the cyclist

Mihai Mioc, doctor Timişoara County Emergency Hospital: "We took it, gave it the necessary treatments, I have a little investigated it was finally decided that the fractures that it presents do not require any surgical treatment, is followed by a period of rest. "

The dog then returned to the mountain and the animal lovers started looking for him.He has a refuge now.He was adopted by the vice president of the County Council of Caraş Severin, who was impressed by its history

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