The Dormition of Saint Anne, the Mother of the Most Holy Mother of God


St. Ana, the mother of Mary, the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, was of the tribe of Levi, and she was the daughter of Mary and Nathan, priest of Aaron. They lived in ancient Israel, during the time of Queen Cleopatra of Egypt (69-30 BC), of which they tell the historical sources. Nathan the priest had three daughters: Mary, married in the city of Bethlehem, who carried Salomi; Sov, married at Bethlehem, who bore Elizabeth, wife of Zechariah, the priest, and mother of John the Baptist; Ana, married in Galilee to Joachim, who carried the Most Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thus, Salomi, Elisabeth and the Blessed Virgin Mary were primary cousins. At the age of three, the Blessed Virgin Mary was taken to the Temple of Jerusalem. After Joachim's death, St. Anne also went to Jerusalem near the Blessed Virgin Mary. She spent the rest of her days fasting and praying while doing good works, pleasing to God.

On the morrow, the church also celebrates the Holy Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council and the Holy Holiness of the Olympics and Eupraxia. 19659004] [ad_2]
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