The drama of Ilie Micolov. He was abandoned by the family: "They give me up"


Ilie Micolov had serious health problems that prevented him from moving. In addition, the famous singer of "Love at First Look" has been forgotten by his family. His wife and daughter chose to stay in Germany where Ilie Micolov emigrated in 1988 and from where he returned in the 1990s, a family disapproved of.

In an interview, Ilie Micolov spoke of the pain caused by the fact that his wife and daughter gave him no sign of life.

For four months, they do not want to answer me on the phone, they have left me alone and without money for pills. My girlfriend, Elena, has a good job, she is a Spanish and English translator, and my wife works in a retirement home. They leave me. I have not seen Elena since 2014. At the beginning of the year, I made my grandfather, but I've never even seen the nephew confided to Ilie Micolov last year for

The artist suffered from diabetes and varicose ulcer and was helped with money by his neighbors and friends

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