The emotional confessions of Brother Maddalena Manole. "She is happy there"


On July 14, 2018, eight years have passed since the girl was found out of breath in the hall of her villa, even on her birthday, although prosecutors demonstrated poisoning with Furadan. he left a sms-testament, the parents of the poet, Ion and Eugenia Manole, have always claimed that their daughter would have been murdered, would not have committed suicide

The emotional confessions of Madalina Manole relate to feelings and pain of the family. he told the freedom that he rarely dreams about his sister, but that his father often dreams and receives many messages from her in a dream.

"Daddy dreams often enough." Madalina always tells her that she does not have what has been said about her and that she is now happy with Sherban (Non – Georgescu, her first husband) and with his mother " Marian Manole confessed

Mădălina continued to love her first husband and divorce:

" He loved her. I spoke to him. She divorced because Serban was leaking, and she was more sensitive. Then he took that from Botosani, which was a lot worse. "

The emotional confessions of Brother Madalina Manole. I hope to know his nephew

Although it sounds incredible, Marian and Ion Manole have not seen their nephew since the tragedy of eight years ago. According to the family of the singer, the son of Madalina does not know that he has a grandfather, uncles and cousins ​​

"We have abandoned the call (Petru Mircea – nr) because when i tried, he did not answer.Let me call him and what can i tell him? that he put my sister and my mother in the pit? " Marian Manole said.

Madalina's brother added that all these years he had collected a lot of gifts that he would have liked Marian sees the son of Madalina only in the images that appear in the press

"It is beautiful as its mother " he thinks.

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