The European Commission will fine Google for Android


Reuters wrote on the last day that a meeting of European competition leaders was postponed to leave room for discussion with the visit of US President Donald Trump to NATO

Google has already been fined last year with 2, 4 billion euros for abuse of dominant position in its Google Shopping service

last year's investigation focused on the fact that Google favors its own online services in its search engine, the most popular in the world.

How Free is Free

The investigation for which Google will be sanctioned targets Android, present on the vast majority of smartphones

And now, Google is again sued to the European Commission by several sites e-commerce.

The problem is complicated: Google produces Android and makes it available for free tutu electronics producers.

However, although the operating system itself is free, it has no value if the end user does not have access to Google Play, the store's 39, applications owned by Google

It is very likely that people do not buy a smartphone that does not have access to applications because it would mean that it is not really smart and can not do much with him.

Google forces manufacturers to install their apps [19659006] So, electronics manufacturers have to install Google Play. But to give them access to the app store, Google imposes more conditions, the most important of which is to install Google apps such as Gmail, YouTube, Google Maps, Chrome, Google Plus, Google Docs, Hangouts etc.

Google does not derive direct benefits from the sale of smartphones or tablets, but manufacturers like Samsung, Huawei or Xiaomi are earning money

Google makes substantial amounts of installation of these apps on Android

Aptoide, a competing app store directly from Google Play, has already filed a lawsuit against Google with the European Commission, while Nokia has filed a complaint about the use of services in question by people. he complained last year that his mapping application is discriminatory. It is HERE Technologies, now controlled by the German automakers BMW, Audi and Daimler.

Besides phones and tablets, Android is present on both smart TVs and watches as well as advanced systems. At the same time, Google recently released a version called Android Things, which targets gadgets connected to the Internet


The fine is not known, but according to European law, It can reach 10% of the turnover.

Alphabet, holding Google holding, achieved a total business turnover of $ 110.8 billion in 2017, accounting for 10% of its business turnover, or about 11 billion dollars, which is huge

2.6% of the 90 billion dollar earnings of Alphabet since 2016.

But Brussels sources say the fine for Android would be much higher. 3% of the turnover would rise to $ 3.3 billion and 5% of the business turnover would amount to $ 5.54 billion.

Radical Changes in Android

The European Commission will force Google to make a number of important changes to Android. The European executive may ask Google not to force the electronics manufacturers to install its services, but they could still install them on their own initiative, especially since they are among the most popular in the world.

YouTube has more than 1, 8 billion users, Gmail has exceeded one billion in 2016, and Chrome. Google Maps exceeded this threshold as early as 2014, while Android has logged 2 billion active devices since 2017.

In addition, 3.5 billion searches are performed daily on Google Search, which are three quarters of the total, according to Smart Insights

Google lost a key process related to Android last year, and could be forced to pay 9 billion dollars of damage to Oracle, which accuses the Java programming language copied on Android

. ] Anti-American Crusade

The European Commission has already fined Google last year, and in addition to the Android investigation, it has an investigation into the AdSense advertising service

Several officials Americans have already criticized the European Commission

In addition to Google, the European Commission has fined Apple with 13 billion euros on the grounds that it has benefited from aid. Illegal state Ireland

Fine also to Amazon with 250 million euros of tax aid received in Luxembourg and 50 million Starbucks in the Netherlands

Earlier this year, the US chip maker Qualcomm has been fined 1 billion euros for the iPhone, and in recent years, the giants Microsoft and Intel have been fined.


The Venice Commission has published its preliminary opinion on the laws of justice. Severe criticism of the appointment and dismissal of Attorneys General

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