The European Parliament MEETS a directive on AUTHORITY


The bill has made Internet giants share the money earned with materials produced by publishers, broadcasters and artists, but opponents have said that they represent a threat to freedom on the Internet. The European Parliament voted against the opening of discussions with the European Commission and the European Council on the proposal and decided to return to this issue in September.
"Today is an important day, a tangible sign that things are finally changing at the level of the European Parliament," Di Maio said.

"It's a clear signal – no one is allowed to shut down the Web and destroy the incredible potential that it offers in terms of freedom of expression and economic development. "

The Minister of Interior and Salvini League leader said "the gang on the web and on Facebook was rejected in Strasbourg because of the attitude of the League, and" they will not stop us. Italian version of the online Wikipedia encyclopedia Italy returned online Thursday taken as a protest against the directive.

"We will fight and ask MEPs to do the right thing when it comes to plenary," said spokesman for EMMA, ENPA, EPC and NME. "However, it's embarrassing that a handful of very powerful people can escape so easily after using deceptive tactics."

Four European Parliament committees have reviewed, amended and approved EU copyright law reform over the last two years and are currently working to create a more equitable digital ecosystem. and more sustainable for the benefit of creators, distributors and consumers were threatened, "notes the Italian press.

Moreover, the most controversial texts concern the protection of press releases when they are used online – transposes the author's rights of the old Directive 2001/29 / EC into the Digital era and states that they are extinct 20 years after initial publication, notes the news agency

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