The European Union, looking at the protocol scandal


First Vice President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, told Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă at the Brussels meeting that it is extremely serious that there are protocols between secret services and the Romanian judicial institutions.

"Mr. Timmermans said that there were protocols between secret services and prosecutors, which is extremely serious, and President Juncker said that it's not just serious, Is a violation of democracy, so it was discussed about this, including the 6 000 000 phones listened to, which is hard to believe, but unfortunately a reality in Romania, "said Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă, in an interview with Antena 3..


The European leader, Jean-Claude Juncker, encouraged Viorica Dăncilă to return to "a normal political discourse in the country", stressing that it is crucial that Romania "does not back down in progress" in the context of CVM.

"With regard to the Romanian verification and cooperation mechanism, President Juncker stressed that the representatives of the Commission will continue to follow the evolution of the country and insisted that it is crucial that Romania does not retreat in the progress made, "said the spokesperson of the European Commission Christian Wigand.


Prime Minister Dăncilă also said that Juncker and Timmermans were unhappy and worried about the "permanent political struggle" in Romania, which has nothing to look for during the presidency of the Council of the European Union.

"President Juncker has asked me to have a good understanding between all the people concerned, which he will ask President Iohannis." He said the struggles have not occurred. no work, if we want to have a successful presidency of Romania. (…) I was more concerned about the fact that there is no peace in Romania and that we would like many have a consensus and work together on country projects, "said Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă. .

Surprised by a charge of high allegation

At the meeting in Brussels with European officials, the subject of the highly publicized criminal complaint was filed by the President of the PNL Ludovic Orban. According to Viorica Dăncilă, Jean-Claude Juncker and First Vice President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, were very surprised that the accusation of high treason against the head of the executive was associated with a diplomatic act .

"I have informed, because I do not want Brussels to be distorted by the information." I said I'm not afraid of the research that will be done, things that will be needed to clarify this issue, I want to clarify this issue, but at the same time, I think it has not worked well for Romania, "said the Prime Minister.

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