The experimental HIV vaccine has been successfully tested on humans. What's next and why it's so difficult to release a vaccine


A new HIV vaccine has been tested in monkeys and humans, and the results are promising.

In the study, nearly 400 healthy adults in several countries were vaccinated reacted as scientists expected. Not only was the vaccine well tolerated, but the immune system reacted by producing antibodies, according to Science Alert.

The vaccine is also shown to be effective in primates, according to a report published by The Lancet

. one of five vaccines that have reached this stage of testing in 35 years since the beginning of the AIDS / Aids epidemic

The next step is that 2,600 women in South Africa are at risk vaccinate. Then you will see if the vaccine really works.

Up to now, vaccines have not provided long-term protection. The explanation is that they were based on a strain of HIV in a specific region. The virus, however, is able to transform rapidly, mutating, making vaccines safer. As a result, vaccines are out of date before they enter the market.

In this case, however, a different approach was used, with parts of several strains of viruses used, essentially a mosaic. Thus, an immune response to a whole series of strains has been obtained.

A big challenge facing scientists is that vaccines that have proven effective in the laboratory and in animals do not work for humans, so long the money is lost

See also Always closer to the production of an HIV vaccine


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