The extra bachelor's degree session started. More than four thousand candidates will participate


<img width = "500" height = "268" src = "×268.jpg" class = "attachment-wide size-large wp -post-image "alt =" The extra bachelor's degree session has started More than four thousand candidates will attend "title =" The additional bachelor's degree session has started More than four thousand candidates will participate "srcset =" http: // www / media / 2015/07 / bac-500×268.jpg 500w, bac-150×80.jpg 150w, /media/2015/07/bac-300×161.jpg 300w, 850w "19659002] More than four thousand candidates will attend the additional baccalaureate session at from today.Students who, for objective reasons, have not attended the baccalaureate exam at the basic session or less than five years will write tests in the ###. ##################################################################### 39, one of the 14 BAC centers opened at Edinet, Balti, Cahul, Comrat and Chisinau

Ssion will last until the 20th The first test is supported by alolingvi, the language of instruction The results of the test will be posted in the baccalaureate centers on July 25, 2018.

For the first time, candidates have the right to complain within 48 hours to post the results.

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