The family of the two brothers, accused of the double assassination in Bucharest, build a wall in their defense


by Daniel MICU

In the village of Slobozia, in the village of Gârceni, the house of the two brothers who suspect that they are the perpetrators of the double murder in Bucharest is a big dismay. The parents are worried and can not recover from the shock they suffered when they learned that Marian and Florin Bonciu had been arrested because they had killed two guards of the company on which they worked. As far as, according to the family, after the murder at the same place a year ago, the two men were also arrested by the police, then released, for lack of evidence. The fact that the suspects are now under judicial control and do not have preventative arrest warrants reassures those in the home who strongly argue that young people can not take the life of a man

In Slobozia, the villagers make a wall defending and defending Marian and Florin Bonciu, suspected of having committed a double murder in the capital, at the beginning of the week. They say that the Bonciu brothers never had any problems with the law, they did not fight with anyone, and they were not violent. They were working torn where they took over to do a good job at home. Marian is 5 years old and works for a few years to finish her house.

The two brothers worked in the country, and in Germany, in construction. According to the family, even the owner of the warehouse where the misfortune happened, went to the police and made a statement in favor of the Vaslui. "My boys would not hurt the flies, there are people in all their flesh, they have not hurt anyone in their lives, there are no deviations in the village. will tell you a mean word about them because they have no reason … Marian and Florin listened to us as parents, saw their problems and worked little to make their point. Last year, when there was a crime over there, they were still working there, and they also took them in. They took others in. But they let them go. would like to meet them in Bucharest, but I can not … My wife is sick.When he heard that it was bad, Constantin Bonciu said, among the tears.

The whole community is on the side of both young people

"We believe that they were raised because they were working and living in these barracks, in these premises, and probably Because they saw them softer and thought they were asking questions. But these boys have nothing to do with these crimes. They are good, they work hard, they did not curse anyone in this village, they did not fight, they did not do badly, they never had problems in their life. That's how it happened now, to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. For a month, they went back to this warehouse to work. I do not believe it, but if they did … No, impossible, it is impossible! " said Viorel Trifan, the neighbor of both

The records of the crimes that overwhelmed the country

According to a statement issued by the Bucharest Prosecutor's Office," on the night of 15 -16.07.2018, in the same factory, at level 1 of an abandoned room, both accused be subjected to violence against the victims of MM and CM, security agents operating on the target, who made them fall to the inferior level and struck the rough plane, trauma (thoracic trauma with multiple costal fractures, spleen rupture, abdominal trauma, parenchymal renal rupture, respectively, multiple coastal fractures, hemoperitoneum, pelvic fracture) leading to death of the victims . "

According to prosecutors, the suspects are guilty of another similar offense committed a year ago

" In the night of 13-14.08.2017, while they were at the # 39, inside a factory located on the com. Timisoara in the 6th district, in an abandoned room, the two defendants allegedly subjected to violence against the victim of AI, a guardian who was working on said target, causing traumatic brain injury – cranial fractures that caused the she died. With regard to the act of 2017, the corpse was discovered about a month after the date of the disappearance of the victim, and the cadaveric changes produced in this interval (advanced state of putrefaction) have not allowed the establishment of the mechanism of trauma "

Florin and Marian Bonciu are also suspected of a fourth murder.

The murderers of the homicide are now trying to find out if the death of 39 A man in Germany, when the two suspects were working there, is related to the two brothers, so they asked the German police for help.

At the hearing, both of them Have not admitted anything, and one of them, say the sources of the investigation, would have abandoned the polygraph test.

"The fact that a d & # 39; 39, between them abandoned the polygraph test proves nothing but the possibility of being linked to this double crime "(19659018) Apprehended :

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