The FCSB is about to break away from Gnohere. Gigi Becali: "I have an offer of Arabs"


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 The FCSB is about to break away from Gnohere. Gigi Becali:

The FCSB can also abandon Harlem Gnohere after breaking up with Constantin Budescu. According to Gigi Becali, the best scorer of the last season is close to a loan to the Arabs.

The runner-up of Romania is one step away from another base player of the last season. If the transfer of Budescu to the team of Marius Şumudică, Al Shabab, reported 2.5 million euros in club accounts, the loan from Gnohere will be 1 million.

" I received 500,000 euros for a loan, but I asked for 1 million.The offer came from an Arab club.I will bring a Another striker if Gnohere leaves "said Gigi Becali for Digi Sport.

It seems that the team that wants the loan from the attacker is Al Faisaly, coached by Mircea Rednic. The transfer has great chances of success. The French striker arrived in Romania in 2015, at Dinamo, while the team was led by Rednic, and the relationship between the two is good.

Gnohere, aged 30, is listed at 2 million euros. He is in the best shape of his career after the 2017-2018 season scored 21 goals in 44 appearances.

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