The first case of West Nile virus infection in Iasi


The first case of West Nile virus infection occurred in Iasi, with 6 patients nationwide. The information was made by Dr. Tudor Ciuhodaru, of the Iasi Neurosurgical Hospital

Last year, six people died and the authorities had to test all blood donations because dozens of cases of infection have been confirmed with West Nile. "The virus can not be transmitted by physical contact between two people.Mostly all people (regardless of their age) prone to mosquitoes are prone to infection by West Nile virus, but the probability that a person gets sick from a single sting is still weak 90% of infected people have no symptoms.The manifestations can be various: from those that look like cold to signs of meningoencephalitis. 150 people infected with West Nile virus develop severe symptoms The risk of serious illness and death is higher in people over 50 or with immune deficiencies.The symptoms can persist for several weeks. may be permanent " added Tudor Ciuhodaru on his social page

The virus is specific to tropical and temperate regions. On the European continent, West Nile virus has been introduced by infected migratory birds into Africa. The main route of transmission to humans is mosquito bites. Transfusions can be a source of infection. Ana POP

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