The first five months of the year have brought an increase …


The total external debt of Romania has increased in the first five months of this year, compared with the end of last year, from 2.56 billion euros, to 96.04 billion euros. In addition, the current account of the balance of payments recorded a deficit of 3 018 billion euros in the first five months of the year, up 15.8% over the same period from last year. four months of the year, according to data released by the National Bank of Romania (BNR) on Monday. By the end of last year, Romania's total external debt amounted to 93.477 billion euros, according to BNR data

Of the total, long-term external debt term rose to 67.543 billion euros as at May 31 (70.3% total external debt), down 1.6% as at December 31, 2017.

Short-term foreign debt at 31 December May rose to 28.497 billion euros (29.7% of the total foreign debt), up 14.6% as of December 31, 2017.

At the same time, the public debt has reached 33.175 billion euros after the first five months, down 359 million from the end of 2009.

Long-term external debt service rate was 18.9% between January and May 2018 , compared to 23.9% in 2017.

The coverage of imports of goods and services as at May 31 was 5.2 months, compared to 5, 4 months as of December 31, 2017, notes

The short-term external debt cover, calculated at the residual value, with foreign exchange reserves at the NBR at 31 May was 76.6% as against 87.2% at 31 December 2017.

After In the first four months of the year, Romania recorded a 15% increase in the current account deficit compared to the same period last year, at 2,053 billion euros. euros

. 2.606 billion euros, shows the revised data of the BNR

The current account of the balance of payments includes the amounts collected and paid by Romania in trade relations with other states. The main contributor to the current account of the balance of payments is foreign trade, which is very low for Romania.

The trade deficit grew by 12.3% in the first five months to 5 billion euros, according to data recently released by the Institute. National Balance of Assets (INS)

Balance of goods recorded a deficit of 4.6442 billion euros in the first five months, up 589 million from the same period last year [19659002] Balance of primary incomes, which includes dividends repatriated by foreign investors and those collected by Romanian investors abroad, recorded a deficit of EUR 2,362 billion in the first four months, down by EUR 105 million compared to the same period last year

non-residents in Romania amounted to EUR 1,720 billion in the first five months compared with EUR 1,462 billion in the same period last year. 39; euros between January and May 2017.

The current account of the balance of payments recorded a deficit of 6.46 billion euros last year, 85% more than the level recorded in 2016, especially because of the imbalance mmercial [19659017]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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