The first generation to benefit from a new compulsory vaccine: 11-month-old babies


Iasi babies who reach the age of 11 months are the first to benefit from the full program of pneumococcal vaccine administration, which was introduced in 1945 [20179002] into the National Immunization Program. According to data obtained from the National Institute of Mental Health by the Association "Mother of Mothers", about 12,600 children from all over the country will receive July the third dose of vaccine, at the level of County of Iasi the number of babies who will receive the last dose of about 558 children. Most children waiting for this dose are 1,365 in Bucharest, followed by 573 children in Cluj and 558 in Iasi

"This cohort of children born in August 2017 is the first to benefit from full pneumococcal vaccination. Since the beginning of the program in September 2017, 97,927 children have received at least one dose of vaccine, while 67,697 have already taken the second dose, although independent estimates show that more than 30,000 children are in the lower dose range. age covered by the program did not receive any dose, with a recommended healing schedule for each of them " representatives of the Mother-Mother Association. "No refusal"

The 13-valent pneumococcal vaccine prevents diseases such as otitis, pneumonia and meningitis and is given to children aged 2, 4 and 11 months. When they were introduced, Ministry of Health officials said that pneumonia is the leading cause of death in children worldwide and can be prevented by vaccination.

Iasi's family doctors say that until now pneumococcal vaccination has been "The fact that this vaccine has been introduced is a step forward for children's health, and so far no refusal was registered ". On the contrary, we have always recommended to parents to make this vaccine, especially since they have heard about their parents from Spain, Italy or Greece where this vaccine was included in the program and asked for it. Unfortunately, until it was introduced, they could buy it in pharmacies with 350-370 lei, which is enough for a rural family. But parents understood that it was a very good vaccine that prevents pneumococcal infections and whereas ear infections and pneumococcal pneumonia are quite common in our area, people have been trying to make everything that was possible for their children. possible " explained Dr. Cristina Barbu, Iasi's family physician and member of the National Society of Family Medicine (SNMF) vaccinology group.

Thus, in order to obtain optimal immunity, three doses, all the more so that the less than one year are more sensitive, the maximum rate of antibodies being reached after the last dose, which stabilizes the entire schedule.

Physicians also explained that parents' fears about vaccination are generally related to possible side effects that may occur after the administration, but that are minimal risks for this vaccine.

and those vaccinated [19659005] "Those who refuse vaccination are often those who refuse it immediately, in the midst of this anti-vaccine trend without any scientific proof. It is not fair to refuse vaccination, especially for other children, because any vaccine has the maximum effect on a certain vaccination coverage. If 10% of the population refuses, optimal coverage is not achieved and those who have been vaccinated have less than normal protection. This percentage of unvaccinated children should even represent children who have certain diseases, real allergies to the ingredients of the vaccine, not everyone. I hope that with this pneumococcal vaccine, we will be able to reduce the consumption of antibiotics, which is very high at the moment because it has become a skill to consume, "says Dr. Dana Popescu In most EU Member States, the pneumococcal vaccine is compensated in different ways and vaccination coverage varies between 70% and 98%, which reduces the incidence of pneumococcal disease but also the mortality caused by these infections.

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