The First House In-depth Investigation into the Loan Guarantee Fund


Scandal to the National Credit Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises (FNGCIMM). Several officials are believed to have taken a burglary to approve records of the "First House" program or to turn a blind eye to certain irregularities.

Prosecutors of the Office of the Prosecutor of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) opened criminal proceedings for corruption, and on Thursday morning, investigators carried out 23 searches in Bucharest and in the county. Ilfov. even the headquarters of the Loan Guarantee Fund, which manages the First Home program.

Warrants were issued for eight suspects in this case, and 60 witnesses would be heard. At the same time, inspectors from the Directorate-General for Fraud were carrying out inspections in a company belonging to one of the investigated employees, used as a firewall in the separation circuit.

The file covers a head of the public institution, but also other officials and intermediaries.

In the first house of the first house would be involved a non-commissioned officer of a military unit from Bucharest, in which his investigations were pursued by the prosecutors of the military prosecutor's office attached to the military court of Bucharest

Corruption of the bureaucracy

According to judicial sources, the bribes offered to civil servants range between 200 and 500 euros, with up to now 60 resolutions settled urgently.

"It has been established from proven evidence to the present that respondents are used to condition the acceleration of the performance of the acts falling within their duty to receive from them. In particular, those involved condition the settlement of petitions, beneficiaries of social programs involving guarantees from the Romanian state, receiving undue financial benefits directly or through the intermediary of close relatives, thus creating a mechanism between officials of the institution of different compartments, aimed at obtaining personal benefits.So, the order of registration of the applications is not respected, the equal opportunity It is not granted and the free access of the beneficiaries in good faith is violated, the winners being only those who fall under the "priorities" of the employees, in exchange for the sums of money paid. said the representatives of the Attorney General's Office.

Reaction of the National Guarantee Fund

Following the conclusions of the prosecutors, representatives of the National Guarantee Fund announced that they had taken all measures to ensure ongoing investigation, without affecting the current and future activity of the institution.

"The procedural acts carried out at FNGCIMM headquarters by the competent State organs are part of a complex and specialized investigation.The investigation is centered on the suspicion of the offenses of corruption in the activities of the CGPMGP, targeted for several years.The investigation is currently underway.In view of the limitations of public communication on this subject, imposed by the specificity of the action, we want to do in so that the clients and partners of the NSGNG as strategic goals, projects and programs in progress are on schedule. Management has taken all necessary measures so that the current investigation can take its course , without affecting the current and future activities of our institution, "said the institution in a press release


More than 230,000 Romanians in the First Home Program

The First Home program started in 2009 to stop the fall of the real estate market caused by the economic crisis. So far, more than 230,000 Romanians have taken their homes through this program, with the state providing guarantees of nearly 20 billion rubles.

The program put an end to the fall in apartment prices, thus saving bank balance sheets, which should have made much larger provisions to depreciate their assets than they did.

This year, the Prima House program totals a budget of 2 billion lei, or 20% less than the 2017 ceiling, which will allow about 20,000 homes

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