The first tranche of macro-financial assistance is postponed due to the invalidation of elections, announced the European Commission


"Assistance depends on the successful implementation of certain economic measures and the fulfillment of political conditionality: respect for democratic mechanisms, respect for the rule of law and respect for human rights. Man, "said the press service of the European Commission.

"The conclusion came from the recent events in the Republic of Moldova, notably on the basis of the decision of the SCJ of 25 June on the invalidation of elections in the Republic of Moldova

According to the answer, Chisinau respects the economic measures, but the situation of political commitments is more serious.Chisinau.Therefore, the first tranche of macrofinancial assistance has been postponed, "says the European Commission.

We remind you that as soon as the Moldovan courts have ruled on the annulment of the local elections in Chisinau, Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and Johannes Hahn , European Commissioner, criticized the judgments, classifying them as non-transparent.
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