The Gorj policeman was psychologically tested for the last time in May 2017, before the mother


Gorj police, who shot her mother after her suicide, was psychologically tested for the last time last May before her maternity leave, the Romanian Police Inspectorate (IGPR) announced. (Today 's promotions on monitors)

"Today, at around 7:00 pm, a policeman from the Mătăsari communal police station notified to 112 that his wife, a police officer from TF Tiu-Jiu, In 2006, he shot his mother at the chest, after which he shot himself in the head using the gun in his equipment. At the point, in the village of Băleşti from Ceaurus, Gorj County, in housing found a 6-month-old miner who was rushed to hospital with a head injury.The policeman was found dead near the door of the house, with the gun next to her, and her mother in a room in bed. " the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police (IGPR) said in a MEDIAFAX statement. (READ OUT: A POLICY OF GORJ COUNTY AND WAS HER MOTHER, AND I APOI SA SINUCIS)

The woman was psychologically tested last time in 2017

The woman was psychologically tested for the last time in May of 2017, before entering maternity leave. According to the law, the policeman held the gun at home, and the last check was done at his home earlier this year, said IGPR. (Best Laptop Deals)

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