The government did not discuss amnesty or pardon during Tuesday's session. A new government meeting will take place on Thursday


  viorica dancila
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The Prime Minister announced on Tuesday, at the beginning of the government meeting, measures that will be decided by the executive, including acquisitions of helicopters and flight simulators and measures relating to centers for the disabled

a reference to a normative act on the amnesty or pardon of acts of corruption, as suggested by the information disseminated in recent days and vehemently denounced by the leaders of the ruling coalition

In the meantime , the president invited Viorica Dăncilă to Cotroceni. both will take place on Wednesday. Nelu Barbu: The Government approved the acquisition of helicopters for the management of emergency situations

Emergency Ordinance on the acquisition of helicopters

UPDATE 17:50 and flight simulators for emergency management have been approved by the government, and funding will come from non-repayable funds under the POI said the spokesperson of the management, Nelu Barbu.

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] ALDE spokesperson: No pledging order

The General Inspectorate of Emergency Situations has been designated as a centralized unit for the award of markets, with the Ministry of the Interior intending to complete the allocation. helicopters, 10 light helicopters and 12 medium / heavy helicopters and with at least one flight simulator. This device will noticeably improve the response and training capacity in large-scale and intensity emergency situations, "said Nelu Barbu Tuesday at Victoria Palace, according to Agerpres. Government word added that the acquisition will be from non-repayable funds via POIM, whose MIA enjoys about 600 million euros.

"About this amount, about 170 million euro for the purchase of helicopters. In the next period, the IGSU will launch an open tender for a framework agreement to meet the needs of the Ministry " Nelu Barbu said.

UPDATE 17: 40 Government spokesman Nelu Barbu, said Tuesday the government meeting did not discuss a normative act on amnesty and pardon and confirmed that a new executive meeting will be held on Thursday

"It was not in the government meeting about an act of amnesty and pardon. (…) There will also be a government sitting on Thursday, but I can not contact you at the moment. The press office will announce " Barbu said, saying that the agenda for Thursday's meeting will be announced this day

He explained the reasons why this week there are two government sessions

.] "Because a very important act was adopted that day, this environmental OUG, which can not be postponed, and it was decided to hold this meeting to pass this law, d & # 39; 39, one part. On the other hand, you know very well that, with the approach of the parliamentary holiday, there are normative acts that must be adopted and are not delayed and, according to the opinions that will come at this time Thu, Thursday will be put on the agenda

UPDATE 17:10 A second meeting of the government this week will take place on Thursday because some normative acts do not exist. still have no opinion. 19659004] UPDATE 16:20 The government will introduce, by emergency ordinance, measures on the recycling of waste so that the rate of recycling increases and the waste is no longer treated as "useless" but as a resource.

"The central objective of the measures introduced by this normative act is to increase the rate of waste recycling and to place Romania on the European map of recycling and the circular economy." The measures introduced by this GEO bring about a change of approach in the matter of waste management so that we are accustomed to no longer treating waste as useless but as a resource that deserves and needs to be redeemed The main measures to be applied in 2019 are the guarantee of reusable packaging and the introduction of performance indicators, both for sanitation companies and for sorting stations, as well as for encourage the separate collection of waste at the source and detail how to apply the differentiated tariff to the population, announced Tuesday Viorica Dăncilă at the beginning of the meeting of the government [19659011] In addition, the Prime Minister explained, the GEO will have a clear role to play

UPDATE 16:00 Dăncilă: Barracks-like centers for people with disabilities The government will approve in Tuesday's session a series of measures in For persons with disabilities, which aims, among other things, to give up the old centers and replace them with sheltered housing, "We continue to act today for people with disabilities, many of whom have been inspired by the discussions they had with them, "said Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă.

I was bringing representatives of non-governmental organizations in the spring when I did it had consultations. We are introducing them into legislation urgently so that they can be implemented as quickly as possible. (…) Romania has deinstitutionalized the care of disabled people by 2020. Specifically, we abandon the centers focused on the army where hundreds of disabled people are housed, with management often poorly managed and poorly prepared staff to meet the rehabilitation needs of those assisted. We will replace them with sheltered housing, independent living centers, empowerment and rehabilitation centers, care and assistance centers, respite centers, crisis centers. The financing of these types of centers will be provided up to 90% of the state budget " said Viorica Dăncilă at the beginning of the government meeting

The Prime Minister added that the authorities Local and county governments must transform mammoth centers by the end of the year.

"If they do not, they will lose 25% of the funding provided by the budget. the state every year. Thus, we want to stimulate the establishment of new types of centers, which will benefit from funding up to 90%. The emergency ordinance we are adopting today also creates the legal framework for funding protection measures provided by private providers. I am referring here to associations and foundations of the state budget. The paradigm changes in that there will be more funding for places in an institution than the services we offer. We focus on the needs of the person, not on those of an old system, and we all saw it becoming ineffective "

Another change concerns the introduction of 39, a monthly allowance for the professional personal assistant (19659011) "Thus, the assistant who takes care of a severely handicapped adult will receive 600 lei a month, and the one who is in charge of a disabled adult, so that he can provide living conditions, food and clothing. who goes to a severely disabled adult will receive 750 lei per month. This allowance is added to the salary of the professional personal assistant " Dăncilă

The Prime Minister also mentioned the measures envisaged in the EGO for the introduction of the single intercity ticket

"Until now, the travel tickets have been printed by the carrier and have insured the trip either by train or by bus only. From now on, the recipient of a ticket will be able to use the combined modes of transportation, " she added.

The Prime Minister also clarified that with respect to non-refundable funds for NGOs in the field of protection

"For example, if this percentage was 90% up to now, it will now be 98%. In other words, we try to help the NGOs to get more involved, because we noticed that they did not have access to non-repayable funds because they did not have the co-financing rate of 10% and the money was often spent. The government will increase from 900 lei to 990 lei the income ceiling at which retirees can benefit from compensated drugs

The income ceiling at which retirees can benefit from drugs offset will be increased by 10% , from 900 lei to 990 lei, announced Tuesday Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă. Government Meeting

"We want retirees who have benefited from a new pension increase since July 1 retain this right, that is, access to compensated drugs the ceiling in the current government, "explained Viorica Dăncilă at the beginning of the government meeting

The revenue ceiling will rise from 900 lei to 990 lei

The Prime Minister recalled that it is the second increase that he made the current government, the first being in June last year, when the ceiling rose from 700 lei to 900 lei.

"We took this step precisely to make sure that more and more pensioners can benefit from cost-effective drugs as much as possible because this ceiling has been frozen for a period of eight years, "said Dăncilă.

UPDATE 14:30 There will also be a decision on the right of excise tax paid by the carriers. In addition, the ceiling for retiree income for drug compensation will increase. At the end of the meeting, the government spokesman will announce the acts passed.

UPDATE 14:25 The Prime Minister also announced the emergency ordinance on the management of packaging waste, the measure that Calin Popescu-Tariceanu was talking about on Monday [19659004] UPDATE 14:20 The Prime Minister talks about the TAROM measures and the centers for people with disabilities, for which a GEO will be given.

UPDATE 14:15 The government meeting began. Tudorel Toader is present, although it was initially heard that the Minister of Justice would not be present but that he would delegate a secretary of state.

UPDATE 14:00 The meeting is delayed. The ministers arrived at Victoria Palace. The meeting may be led by President Iohannis himself.

UPDATE 13:00 According to official sources, a second government meeting was scheduled for Thursday, an unusual situation. It is the last day that emergency orders can be made, because the parliamentary session ends.

UPDATE 11:15 AM The government forwarded the agenda to the press. It is a unique emergency ordinance that is not related to the environment, nor to the amnesty nor to the navy, but to the environment. Cantacuzino Institute. Specifically, it is an EGO that complements the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 66/2017 by which the Cantacuzino Institute was transferred to the Ministry of Defense

UPDATE 10:30 Viorica Dăncilă received an invitation to Cotroceni for a discussion with the president, but only Wednesday will be able to honor the invitation.

UPDATE 09:45 Defense Minister, Mihai Fifor, to present the government's draft decision on the Coastal Artillery Battery Marine Subsidy Program at the meeting of the cabinet of Tuesday

/ Octav Ganea

What the leaders of the majority say about the meeting of the government Tuesday

But the president of the Senate declared Monday that the reason is totally different, even if it is an emergency ordinance. "Tomorrow is the government meeting because it is another GEO, on the environment, which must comply with the European directive and that is why the meeting of the government was postponed Tuesday, "said Tariceanu Monday night. He did not rule out the idea of ​​an emergency order on amnesty and pardon, which he said "would not be unthinkable".

PSD leader Liviu Dragnea responded by saying that the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice have ruled out "these rumors have appeared in the public space". In fact, Minister Tudorel Toader said Monday that the Emergency Ordinance on Amnesty and Forgiveness did not exist in the ministry that he directs.

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Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize Winner

  viorica dancila
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Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize Winner








calin popescu tariceanu,

liviu dragnea,

viorica dancila,

tudorel toad,

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