The Great Powers Advance Iran's Offer for …


Europeans, Russia and China – in a hurry to make concrete proposals to ensure the survival of the agreement in the Iranian nuclear issue – attended a meeting Friday with Iranian representatives in Vienna, with a " offer "deemed sufficient. "Make an offer that we find attractive for Iran to continue to trade with European companies, despite the US announcement of a reimposition"

of sanctions, "said the Minister of Foreign Affairs foreign Heiko Mass in front of the press before the start of the meeting at 9:00 GMT (12:00 pm, Romania time) in the Austrian capital, according to the news agency.

However, Iranian President Hassan Rohani l 39; Waiting and increased pressure on Thursday, when a meeting of the heads of diplomacy of the five parties to the agreement – China, France, Germany, UK and Russia – with their Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif. [19659004] The package of measures "does not meet all the requirements of the Islamic Republic," said Rohani to the French president. "

" This will not be the last discussion, "admits Maas, admitting that the Europeans" do not will not be able to make up for everything. "

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But "they want to show Iran that a withdrawal would be "The historic pact of 2015 subjects Iran to strict control of its nuclear activities," he added. the country accesses the atomic weapon. Iran seeks economic compensation from European countries following the withdrawal of the United States, which denounced the agreement in early May, considering it too permissive

Tehran has repeatedly threatened a resumption of uranium enrichment.

After the American government of Donald Trump denounced the text, the prospect of sanctioning US sanctions again began to turn foreign investors. 19659013] Migration agreement at the Brussels summit after Italy has blocked the adoption of the first conclusions “/> READING AND Migration agreement at the Brussels summit after Italy has blocked the adoption of the first conclusions

and the Danish shipowner Maersk Tankers are preparing to leave

The French group Total threatens to withdraw from a project of development of the vast Iranian gas field Pars South

Friday's meeting is about to give "impetus" to protect the interests of economic actors, Deputy Minister Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Riabkov


Tehran does not hide its impatience. "The time for negotiations is coming to an end," warned Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani in early June.

In the list of conditions presented in late May, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, called for a guarantee. on Iranian Oil Sales and Commercial Transactions

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Europe is so under double pressure – from Tehran, which needs foreign investment to rebuild its economy, and Washington, which could attack European companies and deprive them of access to US market

The head of German diplomacy has not detailed the content of the European offer, citing proposals already known – a so-called "blockade" law, but the effects are uncertain to counter the effects of US sanctions on European companies wishing to invest in Iran and a broader mandate of the European Investment Bank (EIB) to support European investments in Iran

"No We are now trying to see the possibilities of keeping open payment channels with Iran, "Maas added.

A sign of urgency in the context of the first US sanctions to be reintroduced in early August is that Iranian President Hassan Rohani made visits to Geneva and Vienna, where he pleaded for the rescue of the country. ;agreement.

"As far as possible for Iran, we will remain parties to the agreement, we will not leave the JCPOA (official sign of the agreement), provided that we can profit," said the conservative moderated, re-elected in 2017.

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