The heat wave in Europe leads to an increase in wheat


The most traded futures contract at
The Chicago Board of Trade recorded a 1% increase to $ 5.02 per
bushel near the top of $ 5.05 per bushel
seated, the highest rating recorded after July 10th.
Wednesday's 1% growth comes after a 1.9% gain over the course of the year
Tuesday's session.

The price increase was supported by
reduce production in Europe and the Black Sea region. "The heat wave of
Europe is moving prices more. Europe does not have a great culture
this year to offset the resulting global supply deficit
of the fall in production in Russia, "said an agricultural products analyst from
India. This could boost US exports
he said.

France, Germany, Poland and Ukraine count
among the European countries where dry weather threatens wheat crops.

Grain strategy
considerably the forecasts concerning the harvesting of common wheat in the Union
this year, taking into account the lower production per hectare of two better chlorine
producers in France and Germany hit by bad weather.

Russia, the world's leading exporter, is
on the verge of producing less wheat after a record-breaking record year

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