"The hero with a bitch" of the London bombings, the first Romanian to be awarded by the Queen of Great Britain


Known as the "London Hero", the Romanian Florin Morariu will receive the distinction of "Queen's Bravery Mention" for the acts of the Borough Market terrorist attack in June 2017. [19659002] As Florin Morariu told Mediafax he received a letter from the British authorities, which is proposed by Prime Minister Theresa May to receive the distinction "The recommendation of bravery of the Queen."


The distinction is a form of recognition of the brutal behavior of soldiers and civilians, demonstrated in certain special circumstances and in the name of the British nation.

"They have sent me a letter (British authorities – no) asking me if I am accepting to receive the decoration.It will be given, but for the moment, no place and no date are known.C & # 39, was a request made by the Prime Minister of England and approved by the Queen of Great Britain.It is the Commendation of the Queen's bravery, "said Florin Morariu [19659005InJune2017threepeopleenteredavanontheLondonBridgearmedwithknivesandbeganattackingpassers-byandthosenearthefamousBoroughMarketBridge

. in a bakery in London, in the London Bridge area where the terrorist attack took place, and he managed to capture the nightmare moments in the streets in a film shot with the mobile phone. tells his colleagues he hit one of the terrorists after he managed to stab a person. He and another colleague have sticks in their hands, and the Romanian asks another to bring him a "little cook" from the kitchen so he can defend himself in case the attackers appear again. At the end of the shooting, there are also two stabbed victims who receive help from the authorities

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