"The hero with a fiddler" attacks in London, the first Romanian attributed by the Queen of Great Britain | DOCUMENT


Florin Morariu, nicknamed the "hero of the London hero", will receive the distinction of "Great Britain's Bravery Mention" for the acts he showed during the attack Borough terrorist in June 2017 Market, MEDIAFAX correspondent reports.

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"The bearded hero" of the London bombings, the first Romanian to be awarded by the Queen of Great Britain | DOCUMENT


Christine Florin Morariu told Wednesday correspondent MEDIAFAX that he had received a letter from the British authorities, proposed by Prime Minister Theresa May to receive the distinction "The Queen's Mention" for Valor. "

The distinction is a form of recognition of the brutal behavior of the army and civilians, demonstrated under certain circumstances and in the name of the British nation

" They sent me a letter (British authorities) One asked me if I agreed to receive the decoration It will be given but for the moment we do not know the place and the date It was a request made by the Prime Minister of England and approved by the Queen of Great Britain Congratulations to Florin Morariu on Wednesday evening

He added that he still does not know what the distinction is, who will hand it to him when and where.

"As much as I know, the decoration is in the form of an oak leaf. Even though it's only about the decoration itself, I think it's still the first Romanian to have received it, "says Morariu.

In the night from 3 to 4 June, three people enter a leased van on the London Bridge, armed with knives, then began attacking passersby and those near the bridge at the famous Borough Market

Florin Morariu then worked in a London bakery, in the London Bridge area that was able to capture the nightmare moments on the streets in a film shot. During the filming, the Romanian tells his colleagues how he hit one of the terrorists after that he managed to stab someone He and another colleague have sticks in their hands, and the Romanian asks another to bring him a "shooter" from the kitchen to be able to defend himself in case the assailants appear again.

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