The house and private archives of the Greek director Theo Angelopoulos were destroyed by the flames


The house and private archives of the late Greek director Theodoros Angelopoulos were destroyed by the flames that devastated Greece this week, announces the New Greek Television

The house where Theo Angelopoulos lived, located in Mati, 29 "

Phoebe Angelopoulos revealed that the fire had destroyed the private archives left by the director."

"All the correspondence that he carried with his famous people, all the books that she had with writers' dedications, everything was destroyed in the office … My daughter, Katerina, saved a box containing documents related to the movie Thiasos, "he said.

Director Theo Angelopoulos dies at the age of 76 in a car accident in January 2012 while filming his latest feature film, "The Other Sea".

Born in Athens in 1935, Theo Angelopoulos was a director, screenwriter, producer and actor.

Angelopoulos – famous for his slow style, similar to scenes from a dream, narrative structures marked by ambiguity and long breaks – was rewarded with numerous awards for his films, particularly in the European festivals.

In 1995, he won the Grand Prix of the Cannes Film Festival for the film "The Gaze of Ulise / Ulysses" Gaze ", with Harvey Keitel, but also Maia Morgenstern. Three years later, he also receives the Palme d'Or for "Eternity and a Day".

He began his career with the film "Reconstruction" in 1970, then directed a series of political films on modern Greece: "Days of '36" (1972) for which he received the FIPRESCI Prize at the Festival de Berlin "The Traveling Players" (1975), for which he received the Sutherland trophy from the British Film Institute and the FIPRESCI Prize in Cannes, and "The Hunters" (1977). For "The Weeping Meadow Trilogy" was awarded in 2004 by the FIPRESCI Award of the European Film Academy, while for Landscape in the Mist won a Silver Lion in Venice, in 1988.

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