The hysteria of frozen vegetables contaminated with Listeria has arrived in Braila


* after 9 people from the territory of the European Union died of a bacteria infesting frozen vegetables produced in a plant from [Hongrie] a needle began [19659002] at the continental level of withdrawal of the sale of suspect products * in Romania no case of illness has been confirmed vire, but 19659002] withdraw preventive, from its own initions iativ issued officially for the disposal of non-conforming foodstuffs, and the authority [19659002] yesterday, from a supermarket of Br ila retires to destroy 146.25 kg of [19659015]

The state of disturbances caused at the level of the European Union by the nine registered deaths of some per who have consumed frozen Listeria monocytogenes strains in Romania. Several supermarkets have started, at their own initiative, at the end of last week, to remove from sale suspicious products, ranging from those manufactured in a Hungarian factory. It was after the European authorities established that vegetables processed in the Baja factory in Hungary, belonging to the Belgian company Greenyard, were beginning to be contaminated with Listeria as early as August 2016.

shopping centers that also operate in Braila, Lidl withdrew two products from the sale: "Fresnes yellow beans" and "Freshona brand spinach". The company has announced to buyers that they can return these products and get their money back, even without the tax bill.

The Penny supermarket also decided to remove two types of products: "Green Beans and Frozen Beans", and "Frozen green peas". Company representatives say they have stopped selling these products as early as May and are asking customers who still have these products to return them.

The Profi stores are reminiscent of "Fruit Strawberries" (FELCO Frozen Strawberries), "Pitted Fruit Cherries" (FELCO Frozen Acid Cherry), "Mexican HAG Mixture # 3 HG", "Risotto PL GRADENA" ( GRADENA Mexican Rice Blend) and "GRADENA New Risotto PL" (GRADENA Mexican Rice Blend).

Carrefour removes the following products: Mixed vegetable soup 450g, 1kg Mexican mix, vegetable vegetable mix 400 gr, Mexican blend 400 gr, chopped spinach 1 kg, Mexican vegetable mix with rice 400 gr, yellow beans 1 kg , green beans 1 kg. [19659902] The reason for withdrawal of these articles is the suspicion of a microbiological contaminant (Listeria monocytogenes) n n n The only consumer of products is not heat-treated before being consumed " Carrefour

" Ac Withdrawal of the sale of these products n n does not imply the fact preventive to guarantee the safety a food of devious commercial products. and ] 1969002] fever s consultation medicul and ] reports this consumption. Pregnant women, children, persons with an immune system as well as and and elderly attention that is to say of these symptoms. These symptoms may suggest listeriosis, a disease ial etching with a time of incubation [19659902] Manipulations explained in Carrefour notification

People infected with Listeria Monocytogenes lost their lives and 48 others became ill. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has announced in recent days that frozen corn and possibly other frozen vegetables are the likely source of Listeria monocytogenes contamination in Austria, Denmark, Finland in Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Veterinary Authorities of Brăilene are vigilant and control all supermarkets in the city where are market frozen fruits and vegetables in order to ensure that they retire in good time from the sale of suspicious products. According to Deputy Director of the Veterinary Health and Food Safety Service (DSVSA) Brăila, Caragaţă Niţă was initially notified by the National Veterinary Health Authority (ANSV) only for two types of products. These are "Fresnes brand red beans" and "Freshona brand spinach". [19659902] [19659902] and was granted that is to say or withdrawn before [19659902] on sale and and destroyed. 196.25 kilograms to a commercial agent already withdrawn on the sale of the two types of goods and that they had in the depot, preg tite s the director Caraga informed us . He also said that yesterday a notification was also received via the rapid alert system for food and feed, with a longer list of frozen products to be withdrawn from sale and retained. " day (yesterday nn) also received a list with nonconforming products, through the early warning system At the present time, Inspectors No. and sort verificat at the Agency 19659002] from the shelf products. and s 19659002] Take from the sale of suspect products " we have already specified Caraga Ni

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