The inhabitants of Bacau, left without water after major damage


Major damage, in the locality of Dărmăneşti, to the main pipeline fed raw water, Bacau treatment plant led to the interruption of the drinking water supply population and units of the city. Thus, as early as Saturday, the water supply was interrupted and the 60 km drainage action that began with the accumulation of Waste Valley began. The large amount of water that had to be dumped allowed the intervention teams of the Bacau Regional Water Company (CRAB) to start repairing the defect on Sunday afternoon

"The work is quite complex, since we are going to finalize the work around 12 o'clock (, after which we will start filling the pipeline.According to the technological parameters, we would like the installation to reach the normal parameters in 48 "We realize that this is a serious problem, but we are doing everything possible to reduce as much as possible the time until drinking water recovers," said Nina Chiper, General Manager of CRAB Bacău, Sunday

Unlike previous damage, when the failures were due to the length of the pipeline, the damage occurred on Saturday is on a segment of pipe replaced and given in operation in the year 2011 .

Until water returns to normal settings, ie. Tuesday night, according to calculations CRAB, the City of Bacău will ensure the distribution of drinking water to 11 points in the municipality, as well as in 19 other places. In support of the authorities, the Emergency Situations Inspection of Bacău

The mayor also provides water to taps, only two in the morning and in the evening, but many consumers do not have the water. do not reach, especially those who live in high areas the city or the upper floors of the blocks.

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