The InSight probe, arriving on Mars, paid tribute to Au revoir to gravity (Photo)


The InSight spacecraft, launched by NASA and arriving on Mars Monday evening, congratulated members of the band's Goodbye to Gravity group after the club's fire: Alex Pascu, Bogdan Lavinius, Vlad Tenea and Mihai Alexandru.

The initiative belonged to a German fan of the group, Andreas Schonhofen. The Facebook page of Goodbye to Gravity is grateful to him.

"The NASA InSight spacecraft has arrived on Mars!" In addition to its scientific mission, the probe also bore the names of Alex, Bogdan, Vlad, and Mihai, honoring their memory outside of our world and in the world. ;eternity." Once again, thanks to Andreas Schonhofen for this wonderful commemorative initiative! ", is the message posted on the social network.

In fact, Andreas Schonhofen also marked the success of the InSight probe, distributing a Goodbye to Gravity song on his Facebook page.

He had announced last year that he had appointed members of the regrettable members on special chips that were physically on the landing gear landing on the red planet.

"In memory of the four dead members of the band Goodbye to Gravity, I write their names for them to be sent to Mars during the next NASA mission." The names of Alex, Vlad, Bogdan, Mihai will be added to a chip. InSight Space Launch: May 2018 and Landing: November 2018. The probe and their names will remain forever on Mars, "wrote the German at the time on Facebook.

* Photo: Facebook / Andreas Schonhofen

Instead, InSight named two million passionate scientists on Mars, including 8,940 in Romania.

InSight, NASA (US Space and Aeronautical Administration), managed to land on Mars after a trip in the space of seven months.

The InSight mission, a NASA spacecraft designed to analyze the seismic activity and internal structure of Mars, is expected to last two years.

The space device, about one meter (about 5.5 meters) after the extension of the solar panels, was launched almost seven months ago and measured about 482 million kilometers, constituting a stage of preparation for a mission. with a human crew on Mars, which NASA hopes to do by 2030.

Here are the first photos made by Insight, published by NASA on Twitter:

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