The Islamic State claimed the attack that targeted the Afghan Vice President



  Kabul, Afghanistan, explosion,
<! – Kabul, Afghanistan, explosion, ->

A powerful explosion occurred Sunday near the Kabul airport, just as General and Chief Abdul Rashid Dostum was leaving the airport, the spokesman said. which on Sunday targeted Afghan Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum near Kabul Airport and ended with at least 10 dead and wounded, reported the agency Amaq.

According to sources cited, a suicide bomber detonated his vest with explosives at a meeting held for the reception of Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum, but there was no such thing. other details

Dostum escaped unscathed from the attack on his homecoming after more than a year of exile in Turkey. ] A strong explosion took place Sunday near Kabul airport, just as General and military leader Abdul Rashid Dos (19659005) The explosion caused by a suicide bomber has ended with at least " Ten dead and wounded, "according to a first report from the Afghan Ministry of the Interior, the attack took place at the airport gates, while the official convoy left by crossing a crowd of supporters

CLICK HERE to install free ProTV news for Android Phones and iPhones [19659010] #UPDATE A kamikaze killed or wounded at least 10 people at the entrance of Kabul International Airport, according to officials who gathered to welcome Afghan Vice President Abdul Rashid #Dostum from exile https 6LiD1KZZzc

AFP News Agency (19459024) 2 July 2, 2018

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