The last day of submission of applications to the head of the DNA – Essential


Today is the last day that prosecutors can request a selection organized by the Department of Justice for the position of Attorney General of DNA

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader has confirmed yesterday in Agerpres that no case has yet been filed for the post of Chief DNA Prosecutor, but expressed his belief that "more applications will be registered" the last day.

The post of Chief DNA Prosecutor became vacant after Laura Codruta Kovesi was removed from the DNA headquarters by a decree issued on July 9 by President Klaus Iohannis, who executed a decision of the Constitutional Court.

Selection for the chief DNA attorney's vacancy will be held until July 30.

Prosecutors can only apply for vacancies until today.

Applications for participation in the selection will be accompanied by the following documents: proof of compliance with the seniority conditions, project of exercise of the specific functions of the position of director for which he participates in the selection, curriculum vitae , at least 10 documents prepared by the prosecutor in the compartments has been working for 5 years, the latest report of the evaluation of the professional activity and any other relevant document.

The list of prosecutors meeting the legal requirements for participation in the selection and scheduling of interviews will be posted tomorrow at the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice and on the website of the institution.

Between July 25 and July 27, selected candidates would support interviews with the Minister of Justice.

The results of the selection will be announced publicly on July 30th.

"The proposals / proposals of the Minister of Justice will be submitted to the Superior Council of Magistracy – Prosecutor's Section, in order to obtain the opinion of the institution. change according to the number of registered prosecutors, "announced the Ministry of Justice.

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