The list of mobile phones offered for porting and loyalty via Digi Mobil through the new tariff system: – Hi-Tech Lifestyle


Mobile Phones

We have a new mobile phone system for smartphones listed by Digi Mobil, we can say that we have also received a semi-official recognition if you let me know.

The list consists of mobile phones with a maximum price of 1899 free lei. There are no Samsung Galaxy A8, S8 and S8 Plus mobile phones, iPhone 8, Samsung S9 and S9 Plus, Huawei P20 and P20 Pro, and so on. The list is the same for loyalty and portage subscription, but in advance and direct rates are different.

The list in this list is Allview X5 Soul PRO, Huawei P20 Lite, Samsung GALAXY A6 Plus 2019 and Motoro Z2 Play mid-range). I think Digi avoids expensive smartphones to reduce its risks and exposure.

About the author

Emil Dragotă


Passionate about mobile technology, writing reviews for mobile phones, tablets, laptops, cameras and video, various gadgets, and more. Uses Samsung GALAXY S8 Plus, Canon 70D for photos taken on site reviews and laptops ASUS ROG G551 and ASUS Zenbook UX310UQ.

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