The Ministry of Health announced that there was no risk of outbreak of West Nile virus


  West Nile
<! – West Nile ->

The Ministry of Health announces that all cases of meningo-encephalitis meningitis detected and recorded in Romania are sporadic cases and present no risk of epidemic

According to the data provided to the Ministry of Health by the Surveillance and Control of Communicable Diseases, as of May 2, 2018, and to date there have been 5 cases of meningitis / meningoencephalitis with West Nile virus (2 in Dolj and 1 case at Iasi, Braila and Olt)

The Ministry of Health recommends that local authorities take disinsection measures in localities as soon as possible to prevent spread.

80% of infected people have no symptoms but if you identify the signs and symptoms of below, health professionals from the Ministry of Health recommend that you report to the nearest medical clinic urgently:

– high fever

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A 17-year-old boy from Buzau infected with West Nile virus. This is the second case in the county

– Intense headaches

In severe cases, neurological symptoms also appear:

– Stiffness of the neck

– Chills

– Increased sensitivity to light

– Seizures

– Seizures

– Chills

– Chronic Fatigue

More measurements of protection:

– avoid exposure to mosquitoes, long-sleeved clothing and long pants

– avoid areas of high vegetation and high humidity (parks, forests, [19659004] – use of anti-mosquito chemicals

– establishment of measures for the drainage of water pits around dwellings

– removal of stagnant water containers and waste

  ] West Nile
<! – West Nile ->

Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize Winner

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