The mother of Codruţ Keghes, aka Debrăcatu, died


The mother of Codruţ Kegheş, aka Debrăcău & # 39 ;, died, and the presenter of the show "Chronicle of the Cârcotaşilor" sent a sad message on the social network.

The message sent by the TV presenter is related to his mother, deceased alive

"I am happy for the angels my mummy!" he wrote.

He criticized the fact that, although he is happy to post on his social account, Codruţ Keghes said on the Internet:

] In the [interviewCodruţKegheşrevealedthathismotherwas15yearsoldinbedthathehadsixoperationsattheageof15headandthatshehadapermanentnannyforher

Codruţ Keghes had countless dramas in his life

"The inspiration comes from the context.Although my stomach hurts me, even though I have my mother of 15 years in bed, with six headaches, paralyzed and with a nose

Things I do not know.I have my brother and my sister died.My sister died at 26 years, my brother at 35. My father left us four years old.I could have gone crazy, but God has given me a magic power to take people, to drive me, to pass on to the scene, on television, to filter this energy and tear it with tears

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