The old pedelists and their relationship with President Klaus Iohannis | Mircea Morariu


Specifically, we do not know if the old pedelists approached
topics other than those originally announced, topics that are supposed to be triggered
the concern of Mr. Ludovic Orban. Who, from elsewhere found in the seat (as a
the famous Caragialean character, has, does not work Mr. Orban lets us understand
that he's still on the ramparts) welcomed his colleagues and said the meeting
they seem perfectly normal.

He went out to make statements once the Isopag, Mr.
Blaga kissed a continuum of words, some of which had to be remembered
essential ideas. But they do not bring anything new to what was still known
before the meeting begins. To know: 1. That the old pedelists support
The candidacy of President Iohannis for a future mandate in Cotroceni,
more precise mention if we consider that, in the days of the former USL,
the pedalists, were the first to block the ascendancy of the mayor in Parliament
Sibiu as prime minister. 2. While the old pedalists are not in the way
In addition to being satisfied with the way it works, but also communicates NLP today.
its together, but that they're not gearing up as a coup to throw it away
buttons on dl. Ludovic Orban. 3. That Mr. Blaga does not want to work in the party,
much less the president. 4. That the same Mr. Blaga did not
comment in any way on justice decisions and issues around it, o
an assertion with no purpose to differentiate it from the president of the PSD,
Liviu Dragnea.

Also invited to TVR the Romania 9 fake journalist Ionuţ
Cristache, with the stated purpose of making revelations about what happened in
Modrogan, Mayor of Arad, Gheorghe Falcă, was made harcea-parcea
by Ion Cristoiu, Bogdan Chirieac and Marius Pieleanu, all three in the soldier
PSD. Asked from the beginning who and why he came to Bucharest
the convening of Mr. Blaga, Mr. Falch was lost in the wild, he did not return
until the end of the show, spoke badly, incoherently, not otherwise
shines on the oratorio. I understand, however, of the incoherent,
always interrupted by PSD people in the press, infiltrated and in TVR, that the old
Pedelists spoke of the mistrust that exists today in the party, about
poor communication with his electorate and reflection on solutions
to come up. I understood and decided that all this should be said
before the National Council scheduled for the 4th day
August. Finally, Mr. Falca was able to say that he did not think it was appropriate
all kinds of new political formations. An attack on the party
Cioloş, but also an assurance that old pedal boats do not plan to use it

In the statements at the end, Mr. Blaga paid attention to
he said that all kinds of pedalists came to the meeting. I mean, with functions,
and current NLP members today. In the front lines, to the family image
from the end, there was Gheorghe Flutur, Anca Boagiu, Emil Boc, Gheorghe Falca,
Mircea Hava. In other words, the people who gave in
in the territory. In any case, much more visible than the Julian Penelins
Dumitrescu, Cristian Buşoi or Alina Gorghiu.

Even though the national electorate has not forgotten how much
how many corrupt mega-businesses have occurred at the time of PDL and
Emil Boc was in government, as the old pedalists were in front of
Elena Udrea just because she was the favorite of the real head of the party,
Mr. Traian Basescu, local and Boc, and Hava, and Falca, benefit from a
good image Just like, although accused by some of the authoritarians, the mayor
Oradea, Mr. Ilie Bolojan, whom everyone knows that it is not
very good terms with Mr. Ludovic Orban, always has a good outlet for the Oradeans.
They can all use the influence in favor at the right time
presidential candidate Klaus Iohannis. Their impact on the population
is infinitely more substantial than that of Mr. Ludovic Orban. they

The fact that the big ones of the old PDL expressed their support
see a new warrant in Cotroceni for Mr. Iohannis is a signal
important, a mouthful of oxygen, help given to the current president of Romania
at a critical but not disastrous time, such as the speeches of Antena 3 Romania tv and the show TVR de Cristache. Mr Klaus Iohannis
lost a lot of sympathizers and possible voters after having
misplaced with the dismissal of the Chief Prosecutor of DNA, Ms. Laura Codruţa K
vesi. He needed help. He came unexpectedly.
It remains to be seen how he will take advantage of him. Klaus Iohannis. And still to see
remains for this Mr. Iohannis will not have to pay any price. to know
to agree to unravel the unfortunate Mr. Ludovic Orban.

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