The Pentagon leader assures that the United States does not intend to abolish the regime in Iran


The United States has not adopted a regime change policy in Iran, announced Friday Defense Secretary James Mattis, citing "information" in the Australian media about the preparation of a military intervention, according to Reuters. Pentagon chief says US will not abolish Iranian regime "id =" main_picture "src =" /1/mattis.jpg?width=560 "/>

Pentagon leader assures US not to abolish Iranian regime

Pentagon leader says Washington maintains goal of limiting Tehran's destabilizing influence Middle East

Asked by the Pentagon on the establishment of a policy of abolition of the Tehran regime by the Donald Trump administration, James Mattis said: "Nothing is wrong. was set up for this .the behavior of the point "

According to the Australian television channel ABC, the Canberra government believes that the United States is ready to attack Iran's nuclear facilities soon, perhaps even in August

But James Mattis called this information "fiction". "I am confident that this is not analyzed yet," assured the Pentagon's chief

James Mattis made these statements in the context of growing threats between the United States and Iran

month, Iran threatens to suffer "serious" consequences. "Never threaten the United States, otherwise you will suffer the consequences that little history has endured," Donald Trump told Twitter, after Iranian President Hassan Rouhani reported that any conflict with the United States would be major. But later, Donald Trump expressed willingness to sign a new nuclear deal with Iran, a different agreement from the previous treaty, which was "a disaster". "We will see what happens, but we are ready to make a real deal, not the deal that was signed by the previous administration, which was a disaster," Donald Trump said Tuesday night in a speech to a veteran. of the war. Donald Trump decided a few months ago to withdraw the United States from the nuclear deal signed by the Great Powers with Iran

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that he was no need to answer the "naked threats" of his American counterpart. Donald Trump "It's not necessary to answer insignificant comments," said Hassan Rouhani

but General Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Revolution's guards, urged US President Donald Trump to threaten him, not his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani, ironically saying that the leader of the White House follows "the ethics of the nightclub". "As an armed man, it is my duty to respond to Donald Trump's threats, if he wants to use the language of force, I must do it to myself, not to President Hassan Rouhani" said General Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Quods Force. Iranian, quoted by the Iranian Youth Journalists Club, the Iranian Al-Alam and the Israeli site "Trump's language is part of the ethics of night clubs and gambling halls," said Soleimani, warning that the Red Sea region will not be safe as long as US troops are in the region . "Trump should know that we are a people of martyrs and we are waiting for him, we are close to you, where you do not even imagine." Come on, we are ready. threatened Iranian military.

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