The photo with which Kim Kardashian won $ 5 million


The Kimoji fragrance, launched in three versions, Vibes, Peachy, Cherry, gave Kim Kardahian a $ 5 million fortune.

The star was posed in swimsuit next to the perfume, and the picture was posted on Instagram, where he received millions of likes

in order to make sure that sales increase, Kim Kardashian also posted a photo on the same bizarre social account

. , the new fragrance brand Kardahsian has also been promoted by friends of the stars, including actress Drew Barrymore

The fragrance that sells for $ 45 does not need a campaign advertising, being promoted only in social media. The protagonist of "Keep Up with the Kardashians" is one of the highest-paid reality TV actresses on American television, with a turnover of $ 53 million in 2015.

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