The pilot is a hero! If he catapults, the plane continues its way to the public


Participants at the open day in Borcea, which saw the collapse of Florin Rotaru 's plane, wrote on the Facebook page of the MApN that the pilot is a hero because he' s the only one in the world. it was sacrificed so that the plane did not enter

"If the pilot catapults, the plane continues its way towards the public and it would have been in mourning … A great man who made the ultimate sacrifice … I was there … He was a hero …

"I think everyone who took part in this show should thank and pay tribute! Thank you, our hero! God cares for you as And you take care of us today! ", wrote Andreea Baranga

Sorin Stoicescu, former head of Romanian civil aviation, put forward this theory by saying that the pilot would have refused a catapult in time, to avoid a tragedy.

" The pilots are very well trained in such situations Their education is very strict. They are not allowed to scramble and risk that the plane reaches the area where the audience is. I suppose the pilot did not want to be catapulted to avoid a tragedy, "Sorin Stoicescu told Mediafax.

According to him, there are very strict regulations in air shows, by which planes can not fly over the area where is the audience, but often the plane, especially the hunt, can reach the respective areas, because of the very high speed of rotation

A flight MIG 21 Lancer crashed on Saturday between Ialomita and Calarasi districts Thousands of people were in the area and attended the events dedicated to the open day at Baza 86.

See here for more details on the accident and the images of the tragedy [19659003] The pilot, Florin Rotaru, In his memory, representatives of the Ministry of Defense made a video to show their gratitude to their colleague.

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