The pilot who died after collapsing with a MIG in Fetesti was 36 years old and 2 children


A MiG 21 Lancer airliner participating in the outdoor rally held during the day of the Borcea Air Force Base collapsed during the demonstration, near the Fetesti taxi stand

The pilot died According to the MAPN, the pilot did not stop catapulting

The MApN set up a commission to determine the causes of the MiG-21 LanceR crash, and the instruction of flight with such planes was stopped.

& # 39; & # 39; Lieutenant Commander Florin Rotaru, pilot of the MiG 21 LanceR aircraft collapsed in Fetesti, lost his life. The officer was 36 years old and was chief pilot at Air Force 861 Air Force Base 86.

Aircraft piloted by Captain Corvette Florin Rotaru collapsed on Saturday, July 7th around 1:30 pm, after a flight performed during an air show organized at the Borcea Military Aerodrome " reads the MApN

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A MIG 21 Lancer aircraft collapsed in Constanta The pilot does not feel his feet and will be operated Tuesday

According to the department, Florin Rotaru was the first class pilot, he had more than 400 flying hours, of which about 250 MiG-21. He graduated from the Academy of Air Force "Henri Coanda" in 2005.

The officer was married and had two children [19659010]

The accident occurred around 1:30 pm approximately 10 km north of the air base location.

Milk attorneys The Office of the Military Prosecutor attached to the Bucharest Military Court officially notified the occurrence of this aviation accident near the A1 motorway in Constanta District

[19659018] A witness said he saw the plane crashing on the highway between Drajna and Fetesti. According to the Department of National Defense, the aircraft was commanded by a single pilot

A commission appointed at the level of Air Force personnel will go to the scene of the accident urgently for investigate the event.

A MiG 21 LanceR aircraft at 86 Aircraft Base Feteşti collapsed on Saturday, July 7 around 1:30 pm, about 10 km north of the airbase. There is currently no data available on the state of the pilot, or if he has performed catapulting maneuvers.

Air Base Command 86 urgently implemented the emergency plan in such situations. A commission called at the level of the Air Force Staff will go to the scene of the collapse urgently to investigate the event. The plane participates in an air rally organized at Air Base 86 according to Agerpres

The aircraft collapsed during the demonstration, near the Fetesti tax station

A SMURD helicopter was sent to Feteşti, where the aircraft of the MIG 21 Lancer sank, the State Secretary at MAI, Raed Arafat, declared

" 21. There is a SMURD helicopter to support, there are forces – firefighters, land, we are waiting to see the information" he added. The Minister of National Defense, Mihai Fifor, will travel to Borcea on Saturday at the location where a MiG 21 LanceR aircraft collapsed from the 86th Fetesti Air Base.

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