The reaction of Oprea, after the publication of the Stenographs of the Gigin file


"With regard to the transcripts submitted to the press in connection with the accident file of October 20, 2015, I make the following clarifications, which I consider necessary for a correct information of Public opinion:

The press data of these transcripts NE the evening or at the time of the accident.
Moreover, it does not show the date of the recordings, and the file does not specify who is the dialogue Clarifications on what the published transcripts contain and the dialogue they may contain can be explained by the traffic police.

As the indictment shows, the speed of the car in which I was at the time of the accident was 58 km / h, falling in legal speed.Throughout the trip, the speed was 60 Km / h, as c & # 39; is also the case with the indictment.A higher speed would not have been justified because it n & # 39; there was no reason to hurry. It appears from the indictment that the officer was ordered to withdraw from the aircraft because it was possible to start to rain and to refuse. As it turned out that all the police officers of the device sent them through the communication system that they follow the tracks with the pit on the road of Ştirbei and confirmed.
It is also in the indictment that these sites were not properly marked, the location distances of the indicators were not respected, and these were not reflective.

Again, I did not ask for a word-by-word or written device to accompany me. We did not determine the presence of a motorcycle police officer in the aircraft, nor the speed of the aircraft or the motorcycle.

As I said earlier, I noticed the presence of a biker in the aircraft while I was the acting prime minister.

The protection and presence system is legally based on a written order – the action plan of the road brigade – approved by Questor Marius Voicu, chief of police traffic and police of the capital.
Questions concerning the organization, composition and operation of the aircraft may be directed to the traffic police, who is responsible for these matters.

Although the Senate rightly rejected, because I am innocent, the request to initiate criminal proceedings, I resigned from Parliament and I put myself at the disposal of Justice.

The Romanian police officer, who was in the limousine of the former Romanian Deputy Prime Minister, flatly rejected any association of stenograms presented today in the press with the displacement during which the accident happened, "wrote Gabriel Oprea on his Facebook page Gabriel Oprea ordered the traffic police to increase their speed and move the contrasens to" break the traffic. "[19659012] This is the result of radio communications of police officers on the traffic police channel and registered by the General Inspectorate of Police – Directorate of Communications and Information Technology

According to Newspaper, details are taken from the file where former Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea is tried for murder on the death of the police officer Bogdan Gigina.The case arrived in June on the table magistrates to the 1st District Court

See here what order the motorcyclist Gigin received from the radio station: "Bogdane, go to the counter, take a break!"

The minutes of the talks firstly were classified, but they were declassified at the request of the DNA prosecutor who had investigated Oprea. The verbatim reports are now in a volume in the Judicial Archives of Sector 1.

In order to better understand these discussions between traffic police officers, it should be noted that in addition to the agents accompanying Oprea, the 39, other NCOs were on the way. For example, in the evening of October 20, 2015, during the accident that caused the death of Bogdan Gigin, the aircraft was composed of 27 policemen at road intersections.

Next to Gabriel Oprea, file, Petre Mazilu, the manager of the company that did the work that led to the pit in which the bike fell.

At the same time, the company, which has the status of defendant, General MPM Impex, administered by Mazilu, 19659022] reads: He died after waiting two years for a transplant. Călin Farcaş raised 200,000 euros for the operation, but the state gave him no chance

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