The ROBOR index rises to 3.39% per annum, a new high in February 2014


  The National Bank of Romania
<! – National Bank of Romania ->

ROBOR at three months, according to which the cost of ROL loans at variable interest rates is calculated, continued to rise on the interbank market Thursday to 3.39% of 3.34% on Wednesday, according to the National Bank of Romania

A higher ROBOR value at three months was recorded on February 26, 2014, respectively 3.40% per year

According to BNR data at the beginning of this year, ROBOR at 3 month was at 2.05%. At the same time last year, on July 5, 2017, the indicator was at 0.86% per year

As for the 6 – month index used to calculate rates of interest on mortgages, it rose to 3.46% year, from 3.39% per annum

ROBOR to nine months, representing the interest rate paid on loans in lei attracted by the commercial banks of other commercial banks, rose to 3.48% a year, from 3.40% per annum on Wednesday. The 12-month ROBOR index rose from 3.42% a year to 3.52% a year

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Mugur Isarescu: ROBOR was also 4% and no one died [19659009]] Regarding the growing growth of ROBOR over the last period, Mugur Isarescu, governor of the National Bank of Romania, said Wednesday that he was not "comfortable" with the avalanche of news on the evolution of ROBOR. no one died in Wallachia. "" I am not comfortable with this avalanche of news that the Revelation with ROBOR has arrived at 3.20%, she was 4%, 5% Nobody. died in Wallachia and they were even bigger.Create a new bau-bau, not necessarily you, a new bau-bau, from the course now that I got to ROBOR, I think that's a slight exaggeration and say so: I invite you to calm down, more attention when you promote the idea that he has reached … what a record is if four was much bigger, he reached the record of the last three years and 12 days and 5 months. So it is not a question of whether I am comfortable. This is a level that is halfway the rate of inflation that we currently have. So by no means can we say that it's an exaggeration. The exaggeration occurs in this excessive media coverage. Our message is that the world has been late in Europe, in the euro zone, in interest rates very low, and Romania can not be isolated from what is happening in the world " said Mugur Isarescu .



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