The Romanian who fought the terrorists in London, decorated by Queen Elizabeth II. "The hero with the little king", THE UK HERO


From a simple baker who leaves to work abroad, he becomes a true hero in England! This is the case of the Romanian Florin Morariu, who must now be decorated by the Queen of England herself.

He fought armed terrorists who attacked London Bridge by saving the lives of more than 20 people [19659003] "It's a terrorist attack here! These fools stabbed people on the street, forget about the brothers "

Christine Florin Morariu did not care about London Bridge's bloody attack but was fighting like a real hero. On the night of June 3 to June 4, the man was at the bakery. Instead of going to the shelter, he immediately went out into the street and brought in his place more than 20 terrified people. At the same time, rolls used them to hit an individual who was stabbing people on the street.

Now, his actions must be rewarded. On the suggestion of Thérèse May, the Queen of England will give the Romanians the distinction "The recommendation of the court for bravery".

The decoration received from the English State is due to the courage that the novel has shown

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