The scandal of free Europe is booming in Sibiu!


  The story of "Lucky", the man sent to Germany to annihilate the radio producer of Emil Georgescu "title =" The story of Lucky, the man sent to Germany to annihilate the radio Emil Georgescu "src =" "style =" class = "responsive" />

<figcaption class= The story of "Lucky", the man sent to Germany to annihilate the radio producer Emil Georgescu

Liviu Tofan, one of the journalists who worked during the communist period at the Romanian section of Radio Free Europe, described in the "CNSAS Cails" the story of a Romanian born in Sibiu who was able to deceive the

Liviu Tofan describes the character that he chose not to disclose his real name, but to present him under the pseudonym Lucky as "a rebellious guy with a compromising past on the edge the law sometimes.He came to the attention of the Securitate in the summer of 1975 when he was working with his wife in free shops, where only foreigners were buying foreign goods in foreign currency. an inventory, he escaped with nothing and, besides, submits the newspapers abroad, defying the Securitate, threatening in writing to inform Radio Free Europe of his case of "rights of the Man, otherwise emigration is approved.

The security service reacted on January 18, 1978 by opening the information tracking file no. 1103 on "Bubu" (the code name given to Lucky in this file). The Securists would have the impression of being caught off guard, recently discovering that Lucky had even sent a letter to Europe Free. The letter, in which Lucky claims his emigration directly into the RFG, was read in a broadcast on March 4, 1978. The "dissident" was sentenced to a fine of 500 lei under Law 23/1971, the famous act Article 14: "It is forbidden for Romanian citizens to have any connection whatsoever with radio and television stations or with foreign media outlets which, through their actions, defamation or vice versa

In a July 1978 report, the Securitate proposes to close the file tracking information No. 1103, respectively the abandonment of Lucky's case, because of interventions were made and a positive opinion was given by the committee to obtain the approval of the departure.The head of the Sibiu County Securitate himself asked Bucharest, in October 1978, to ask for the approval. Lucky emigration approval in order to prevent it from like possible extrajudicial actions. According to Liviu Tofan, in the "Cahiers du CNSAS" (semi-annual magazine published by the National Council for the Study of Security Archives), Lucky was in training / complete training as "illegal", becoming an officer and be sent to a mission as a spy in a western country ", writes

It happens that in February 1979, Lucky and his family went to Germany and settled in the city of Nuremberg in Bavaria. Due to the German ethnicity of his wife, he has special help for integration into society, including German citizenship.

Arrived in Germany, Lucky becomes Helmut, a name with which he will sign all informative notes. In 1980, Helmut signed an informative note to the Securitate of Sibiu, detailing how the various stations of the radio station Europe Libre had contacted and treated him in an attempt to recruit him as a collaborator. The emissaries, even members of the editorial board in Munich (including Radu Gorun, Ion Ioanid, George Balan, and even Virgil Ierunca), insist and make all kinds of enticing promises, "Helmut" posing as a character the great value that Europe Free keeps in its ranks.

All Helmut appears in the annihilation action of Emil Georgescu, the developer of "Actualitatea Românească", for which the Securitate has prepared a plan: "Repeated murder and application of physical corrective measures to Emil Georgescu for the purpose of intimidation and determination to leave the territory of the GDR and the establishment of his residence in another country, Deadline: 15 September 1976 ".

In October 1976, the car with which Emil Georgescu moved with his wife was intentionally stamped by another car. The car that hit him was abandoned and the driver ran away with another car that took him. According to the Munich police, the abandoned car was rented by a French citizen named René Scheibling. At the controls, this French citizen turned out to be nonexistent. Some sources identify it as a French mafia used occasionally by the Securitate, codenamed "Sandu".

A few years later, however, in 1981, an attempt was made to assassinate Emil Georgescu. This is the context in which we relive Helmut. Here is what he says: "From January 21, 1981, until the evening of January 26, 1981 (Monday), the source dragged Emil Georgescu around his house.With the source, the Italians Giovani ( Gioni) and Vincenzo moved for 3-4 hours Emil Georgescu walked twice with the dog but once he was accompanied by his wife, and another time by Mircea Pompy. "The evening of January 26, 1981 (Monday) At around 9:00 pm (8:30 pm), Emil Georgescu left the block alone to walk his dog. Then the source pulled the car to a predetermined place, and Vincenzo and Gioni came out after Emil Georgescu. Vincenzo was about to beat him, and Gioni to prevent outside intervention. Emil Georgescu was approached in front of the neighboring boschet block. After a series of punches you get in the face, he fell, shouting "hills" (help). Downstairs, he received several feet. At his shouts came people in the block who came out on the balcony. The Italians flew in different ways, meeting all three at the car. According to Vincenzo, Emil Georgescu is well touched with obvious facial injuries and his left hand torn. If no appreciation is made on the radio in the direction of this event, it is expected that the appearance will appear from other sources in order to provide leads for the eventual discovery of l & # 39; author.

In the sense of Emil Georgescu, the problem of personal attack poses serious problems at the source, given the linearity of its existence. The source can always, against a reward of 10,000 DM, eliminate anybody by these Italians. "Liviu Tofan states that" the attack of January 26, 1981 in Munich against Emil Georgescu has actually happened, but … a little differently. Helmut exaggerates to impress his bosses in Bucharest and take away 10,000 marks – he can. The two Italians are an invention. "Helmut" to beat Emil Georgescu was a Romanian, a former stuntman at Buftea, who worked here day and day around Germany. He, before hitting Emil Georgescu, even told the Romanian, "Please excuse me." He gave her a slap and ran away. There are no "obvious facial injuries" or a broken hand.

After returning to Romania after the death of his wife, Lucky did not become a Romanian citizen, but a "foreign resident". The West German passport remained in his pocket and gave him a special status in Romania. He could legally have a foreign currency, with which he could get a lot of things, including influence and favors, and he could travel wherever he wanted.

According to sources who wanted to keep anonymous, Lucky came back quickly because his wife was killed by the Germans, who discovered him involved with Free writers Europe. Lucky's wife was found in the bathroom with the neck cut off

With Lucky, many Romanian security agents infiltrated the press of Free Europe, providing information to Lucky . Many of these agents were presented as dissidents after 1989

After returning to Sibiu in the 1980s, he was responsible for selling passports to a luxury hotel in Sibiu, to the Saxons who wanted to leave Romania.

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