The secret of Chinese: the plant that treats cancer within 40 days PUBLICATION .MD


Specialists at the University of Minnesota Cancer Center have tested plant compounds on various cancerous tumors. To the amazement of all, after 40 days, the cancer cells are gone, writes

Lei gong teng is a plant used in Chinese medicine for hundreds of years to treat l & # 39; Rheumatoid Arthritis

Popular with "Thin Thick" of God, or Tengong Gong, the plant is native to China and, in addition to many other diseases, can cure any type of cancer in just 40 Days

Cancer Center specialists at the University of Minnesota tested plant compounds on various cancerous tumors. To the amazement of all, after 40 days, all traces of cancer disappeared.

The study was published in Science Translational Medicine and astonished all scientists for the healing properties of ten leu gong

The anticancer drug is triptolide, known to cure cancer.

This plant is a miracle, and if research continues in this direction, after a few years, the fight against cancer will end with cancer. It should be remembered that in the past, other plants that can cure cancer, such as ginger or lung, have also been discovered, but pharmaceutical companies have totally rejected them (1965, p, n, t , s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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