The shadows of Kovesi to DNA, sent by Tudorel Toader


On the site was published a document in which are presented the ruptures of the project of Deputy Prosecutor of DNA, Cristian Aurel Lazar, who asked to take over after the dismissal of Laurea Codruta Kovesi

the prosecutor draws attention to the large number of acquittals, the way prosecutors are classified, the disciplinary misconduct that led to the collapse of the institution . "During the year 2017, the share of the acquittal, whatever the cause, was 12.24%, which requires a careful analysis of the causes that led to the registration of this high proportion of payments. In this regard, we recall that in the entire prosecution, in 2017, the weight of final payments, out of the total number of defendants sent to trial , was 1.7% " reporters citing the project of the Deputy Attorney General.

The prosecutor points out that "the specificity of the activity of the structure would imply the recruitment of prosecutors who, prior to promotion to the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, had their professional activity at the level of prosecutors attached to the courts, courts of Appeal or to the public prosecutor's office near the High Court. of cassation and justice ".

Journalists show that prosecutors directly prosecutors have been engaged in DNA, such as Alexandra Carmen Lăncrănjan of the District 2 Prosecutor's Office, Jean Uncheşelu of the Prosecutor's Office of Craiova, Prosecutor Corneliu Iuliu Nătăvală of the Office from the District 3 District Attorney where Mihaela Beldie Canela is coming from.

The Minister of Justice says those who wish to take this position must "do a management program describing the current state of the DNA, which will show improvement measures, which also to show a graph on the implementation of measures to improve business.You can not do a description, what is the DNA and how it worked up to date? to now. "

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