The strange relationship that Facebook wants to create with China


Facebook services are blocked in China. It was then that Mark Zuckerberg tried to gain the confidence of the regime and even taught Mandarin.

Facebook does not want to allow Chinese people to spy on the social network, and the Chinese regime does not want to allow access without spying. Mark Zuckerberg has been in this game in recent years. He tried to build a relationship with Chinese leaders, he learned Mandarin, but he still has not had much success. He now has a more daring plan: he is trying another business.

Facebook wants to create a division in Hangzhou and plans to set up an "innovation pole" there. Thus, through this hub, it would be possible to support developers and local startups. In the same city, Alibaba Group Holding, the company that runs the largest online store in China and around the world.

"We are interested in creating an innovation center in Zhejiang (Hangzhou Province) to support innovators and startups in China," a Facebook spokeswoman told Reuters. The company also has such initiatives in France, Brazil, India and South Korea.

China's Facebook division would start with $ 30 million in capital. However, the company said it would not change its policy just to make its services accessible

Facebook's new strategy is all the stranger than the record posted on the Chinese authorities' website has been removed from the line. The New York Times informs that the mentions of this division are censored on social networks, the networks accessible to the citizens and maintained by the local companies

However, if this division is indeed constructed, it would not be the first company to the make . Google has an AI research center, and Apple is subject to Chinese rules to continue selling its phones in China. Last but not least, you should know that WhatsApp was banned in China in 2016.

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