The student punched a man who harassed her in the street. VIDEO


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French public opinion revolts after the online publication of a case in which a French student is hit in the street in Paris by a man who harassed her, reports the BBC.

The recording by the monitoring camps of a Paris cafe shows when a man hits a young woman with his fist.

The incident occurred in the north-east of the French capital, and the victim, Marie Laguerre, told him that the man was following her by harassing her. The attacker exploded by striking her when the woman told her to stop

Images were viewed online by millions of people. The case coincides with the moment when the French authorities are trying to impose fines on the spot for public harassment in the street

The attackers should pay fines between 90 euros and 750 euros if the law passes in front of the parliament this week. The victim reported in the French press that last week he was back home when a man started making sexual noises behind her. Then he went to insults and insults.

When he told her to stop, she took an ashtray on a coffee table and threw it to her. Little failed to be hit. Finally, she hit him with his fist. Terrified, he went home, but returned to the cafe to collect evidence and filed a complaint with the police.

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